Spinal Decompression

What is it?  We are talking about “non-surgical” Spinal Decompression here, which is a slow stretching of the spine while lying on a comfortable computerized traction-type table. The main goal is the relief of pressure on  prolapsed, bulging or herniated discs and relieving the associated  pain and physical limitations arising from the compressed spinal areas.  Non-surgical decompression is a conservative approach without the risks of surgical interventions.

Does it hurt? One of the most common questions we receive from our patients regarding spinal decompression therapy is whether or not it is painful.  The answer is no.  Although you will probably feel some stretching in your spinal area, you should not feel any pain.  We usually combine our spinal decompression treatments with chiropractic adjustments and ultrasound and/or other therapies to decrease the possibility of post treatment soreness or muscle fatigue.

Medical studies have shown the effectiveness of non-surgical spinal decompression

  • In 2010, a University of California San Francisco  study took CT Scans before and after spinal decompression treatments.  Their study showed a significant decrease in pain and disability and an increase in disc height.
  • 1998 study by Edward L. Eyerman, MD showed large increases in disc heights, rehydration and repair of discs on pre- and post- MRIs. It also recommended that non-surgical spinal decompression should be considered as an alternative to surgery for disc sufferers.
  • A 2008 Stanford University study resulted in 83% decrease in back pain and a high rate of patient satisfaction.

Non-surgical spinal decompression is just one of several treatment options that Dr. David Cox uses for pain relief.  Several patients have shared their  personal experiences in these case studies. To begin your path to recovery from neck, back, arm pain or sciatica call our Red Bluff office today to schedule your appointment  530-527-1774.